
Bridges out of poverty

Saturday October 20th, 8:00Am-12:00pm

The Bridges Out of Poverty training gives a framework to better understand those in poverty, and the strategies and ways of thinking necessary to connect with them and help them.  For 18 South Volunteers there is no cost, for other community members the cost is $21 for the workbook.

From the Website: "Bridges Out of Poverty uses the lens of economic class and provides concrete tools and strategies for a community to alleviate poverty. Participants will review poverty research, examine a theory of change, and analyze poverty through the prism of the hidden rules of class, resources, family structure, and language.

The poverty rate in Red Lion is astounding and anyone in the community who would like to better serve those who are struggling can benefit from this program. Breakfast and Coffee will be provided. For more information, contact Max at or 717-347-8416. You can also click here to visit the Aha! Process website for more information on Bridges Out of Poverty.